The web 🌐 is different. Instead of one-way interruption, web marketing is about delivering useful content at just the precise moment a consumer needs it. It’s about interaction, information, education, and choice.
Before the web, marketers had only two significant options for attracting attention: ❎ buy expensive traditional ADs or ❎ get third party links from the media. But the web has changed the rules. The web is not TV. Marketers that understand the New Rules of Marketing and PR develop relationships directly with consumers like you and me.
So, start making your contents work for your audience and you to develop relationships. 🤝🤝
Note: InspireSunday, a weekly initiative from the content marketing team of TeamSRICOMP to share marketing quotes/inspirational words with marketers out there to help boost marketing energies and stay charged.
#InspireSunday #DavidMeermanScott #davidscott #teamsricomp #sricomp #sricompthedigitalmarketingagency