Retargeted Video Ads Boost Lift by 5% to 10%, SundaySky Says from Beet.TV. Like this? Watch the latest episode of Beet.TV on Blip!
Retargeted video ads can lead to a 5% to 10% increase in conversions, site visits and revenue for brands that use them, says Jim Dicso, president and chief revenue officer at software company SundaySky that handles retargeting and optimization for e-commerce sites. He sat down with Beet.TV to share details on how retargeted video ads can boost revenue for online retailers. SundaySky works with e-commerce sites such as Office Depot to serve up retargeted video ads to users who have visited a companyapos;s web site and product catalogue. For instance, if a user checked out a printer on Office Depotapos;s site, then visited YouTube, that user may see a retargeted video ad for that printer on YouTube. “The goal is to get you to click on the ad and go back to the site and buy,” he explains in this video interview. Retargeted video ads represent a form of performance-driven marketing, and are proving to be an effective way for retailers to reach consumers who are interested in their products but havenapos;t pulled the trigger yet. They also help online retailers capture those who have abandoned a site, he says.
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