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Best Practices in Building a Cloud-Based SaaS Application (Cloud Next ’19)

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Best Practices in Building a Cloud-Based SaaS Application (Cloud Next ’19)


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When developing an SaaS application, choice of infrastructure and data governance strategy can make a huge impact on the application performance and security. Relational or non-relational? Multi-tenant or single-tenant? Join us in this panel discussion with SaaS developers from Kolide, which specializes in collecting and analyzing data from organizations’ devices to deliver actionable insights and from 6 River Systems, which is building warehouse management and automation solution. In this session, you will learn about their criteria for choosing the right infrastructure and data-governance strategy to provide a secure yet scalable environment to their customers.

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Moderator: Amy Krishnamohan
Panelists: Joseph Hughes, Joseph Sokol-Margolis

Session ID: DBS101

event: Google Cloud Next 2019; re_ty: Publish; product: Cloud – Databases – Cloud SQL; fullname: Moderator: Amy Krishnamohan; event: Google Cloud Next 2019;

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