Home Advertising Boost Cheap Ad Trick Developers/Entrepreneurs Use – To Give Yourself A Legit Boost

Cheap Ad Trick Developers/Entrepreneurs Use – To Give Yourself A Legit Boost

by Digital Advertising Boost
Cheap Ad Trick Developers/Entrepreneurs Use – To Give Yourself A Legit Boost

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I thought I’d mention a way web developers often initially (not forever) boost a business their making. If you need your ad dollars to stretch or if your on a limited timeline and just need views and members quick throwing ads to English speakers in Asia is a good way to go to get the initial numbers – then refocusing a second ad campaign that’s targeted to buyers in your area or niche. As this second round will be much more successful if customers don’t see pages and content with little to no views or interaction.

This method doesn’t get punished or your website blacklisted as many blackhat methods or scummy SEO methods you will see on google searches that end up getting your content or website shadow banned. As its legitimately paying for and ad to real people and google doesn’t blacklist its own ads.

***Some developers or SEO types on freelance sites like Upwork solely do this for new businesses and charge huge rates. Never telling them they just threw ads to Asia where markets are more receptive and vastly cheaper – depending on target of course.***

First impressions require certain numbers typically. So first step, cheap ads. Then focus on building brand.

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