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Discover Simple Ways To Boost Your Marketing

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Discover Simple Ways To Boost Your Marketing

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Are you a small business owner who struggles with social media, overwhelmed by what the numbers mean, can’t get a grasp on content creation?

We’re going to show you the exact blueprint you need to get a SOLID foundation, how to understand the analytics and powerful tools to create a great marketing library to generate engaging content that will grow your page and increase sales.

The challenge starts soon!

Are you a small business owner that’s overwhelmed by creating a strong digital marketing presence inside of your business. I’m Erin Martin. And we’re getting ready to relaunch our seven day business boot camp challenge that’s going to accelerate your brand’s awareness to get more eyes on your business, which is going to make more sales. We’re going to do that by going back to the basics. We’re going to talk about page settings, analytics and tools. A lot of business owners can get overwhelmed by just the basics. And we’re going to start from the beginning and we’re going to give you the best practices on how to get those things done. We’re also going to break down the Facebook business page and your personal profile. We’re going to talk about post tabs, your calls to action buttons, your contact information and how to optimize those appropriately so we can leverage the amazing power of Facebook. We’re also going to talk about our personal profile, the settings and security that you need to have on your Your personal profile to set your business up for success because there are two different things you can do, you can leverage your personal profile, while staying compliant with Facebook’s Terms of Service. And then you can leverage the power of Facebook for your actual business page. We’re also going to inside of the group, we’re going to break down who your ideal audience is by defining those people and talking about the problems that your business solves, to really, clearly get your message across to those specific ideal people in that audience, because you want to talk directly to those people and you want to make sure you’re solving their problems. Because once you start solving those people’s problems, they’re going to start paying you money for it. We’re also going to talk about content content is a really big struggle for business owners. You’re not alone. We’re going to talk about how to create content, ideas message Jing and how to repurpose that content. So you’re creating a big bank or asset library that you can pull from over and over and over. And then you can repurpose that content on multiple channels, so you’re not reinventing the wheel. So I’m going to invite you we are relaunching, and the doors are going to close in just days. So I want you to click the link below and join us today. We are going to get started it’s seven day challenge. It’s 30 minutes of work a day. It’s things that you can actually commit to an actionable items. You’re going to get Facebook group, so you’re going to have actual support. You’re going to get daily video prompts, daily worksheets, and there’s a ton of bonus files inside the group. Click the link below. Join us today and we’ll see you on the inside.

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