Home Advertising Boost Ep. 111 Facebook Ad Account Error

Ep. 111 Facebook Ad Account Error

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Ep. 111 Facebook Ad Account Error

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Episode 111 of the marketing lyfe podcast. This is Taylor Timothy, your host today guys, when we talking about the Facebook ad account hair. So let’s always, any more time guys dive right in.

So guys, recently I on one of my accounts I got the Facebook ad account ere and I said, well what the heck is going on? Don’t be alarmed guys. Honestly it’s just Facebook’s new way of saying more than likely that you are billing was not charged or your client now needs to update their credit card. So it’s a very simple fix. I don’t know why Facebook changed that. Facebook used to just say, Hey billing air, whatever. And they give you a red notification at the top. But this actually blurs out like basically where it says like your ad account delivering things like that. And it basically just says Facebook ad account air across all your campaigns. So really weird new update. But like I said, guys, don’t be too alarmed. You just need to update your credit card information from your client or your own personal ad account as well.

So if you guys have any questions about this, feel free to reach out to me. I’m here to help, and that’s going to wrap up episode 111 Facebook ad account air.

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