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Saas Product Development Plan

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Saas Product Development Plan


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“Typically, you know, it’s pretty hard to get the big movers and shakers, unless you have relationships with them. They’re pretty selective if they even promote third party products and services at all.” – Oliver Schmalholz

This is a short clip from the “Develop SaaS Product, Get Marketers To Promote It, & Protect Your Cash Flow, Oliver Schmalholz” episode from the Business Lunch Podcast.

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Roland Frasier is co-founder and principal of three current Inc. Magazine fastest-growing companies and he has founded, scaled or sold 24 different 7 to 9 figure businesses ranging from consumer products to industrial machine manufacturing companies with adjusted sales ranging from $3 million to $337 million.

Currently growing DigitalMarketer.com, RivalBrands.com and Plattr.com while advising over 150 other companies on digitally centric customer acquisition, activation, referral, retention, and revenue strategies and plan implementation.

PULLED QUOTES from this video🎙️:

“I know people, who ended up taking a year and a half (or two), and they still don’t have a product. They think they can hire a couple of workers and have them piece together a solution on WordPress. Well, that’s not a scalable SaaS solution…Once you understand the full life cycle of software development, you’re able to do an MVP, a minimum viable product, within 90 to 120 days on any new product or service that you want to roll out.”

See also  Start living in the NOW!

“The more time you spend upfront thinking about the end picture, the less you’re going to spend on development once you start coding.”

“It doesn’t have to look super pretty yet. The user interface is important, but don’t spend three months, you know, making stuff look amazing, put it in front of users, collect feedback back.”

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