JAKARTA- PT Tempo Inti Media Tbk (TMPO) pushed their digital marketing content to boost their sales in magazines, newspapers, and other printing and advertising products in 2017.
The President Director of PT Tempo Inti Media Tbk (TMPO), Toriq Hadad, expected marketing to be increased by selling magazines and newspapers digitally. “It is something that we do and we are very happy about it, because the progress is amazing. So, about digital circulation, we expected, probably, for the total circulation would reach our print media circulation by the end of this year,” said he, in Jakarta.
According to him, the marketing content increased their newspapers digital circulation because the internet has no limitation. Also, the digital content of media can be accessed by people from around the world and wider readers.
“But with the internet, Tempo newspaper becomes more practical to be accessed to those who need it in all around the world, which makes us gain a lot of growth, and we keep boosting the digital circulation. By the end of the year, our total digital circulation will probably reach the printing media circulation,” he added. (LK)