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We’ve hit the half-way mark of 2023! Here are a few strategies to boost demand, unify sales and marketing, and earn quick wins for your marketing efforts.
As we enter the second half of the year, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all that’s left to accomplish – especially this year when there’s been so much uncertainty. Marketers are uneasy – there’s been budget cutbacks, new AI, analytics and, social platforms to keep up with, and looming end-of-year reports to consider.
So, I thought this would be a great time to talk with Lee Chapman, president of TREW Marketing, and learn from her how fellow marketers are feeling and discuss some quick wins that can get us all out of the mid-year slump to end the year strong.
The discussion covers a number of quick wins marketers can achieve.
Revisiting value proposition and messaging
Interviewing existing customers
Performing a SWAT analysis
Performing content audits
Updating which metrics to track
Focusing on thought leadership
Updating social media strategy
Launching “mini campaigns” for product launches or events
I also asked Lee about which content she is seeing perform the best for her B2B clients…no surprise…she said there is no silver bullet and that a mix of content is key (blogs, white papers, ungated assets, social graphics etc) with a heavier emphasis on video, as our research shows, younger engineers are seeking out video. LinkedIn is also one of the highest performing channels.
Give this episode a listen or read the transcript below to inspire some new energy going into the last half of 2023.
TREW’s website: