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The Power of Incentives in Sales & Affiliate Marketing | Adam Roseland and Josh Torres

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The Power of Incentives in Sales & Affiliate Marketing | Adam Roseland and  Josh Torres

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In this episode of the Marketing Boost Solutions, we are excited to share another success story as Captain Marco features successful Marketing Boost members, Adam Roseland & Josh Torres. If you’re looking into growing your business through affiliate marketing, this episode covers the benefits of using incentives, the importance of creating valuable content, and the effectiveness of trade shows. Our guests share their experiences using Marketing Boost for their clients and promoting third-party products, as well as strategies for building long-term passive income streams through affiliate marketing. Overall, highlighting their wins while ensuring their clients’ success.

Adam Roseland is an award winning affiliate marketer, and founder of a leading digital marketing firm, 814 Interactive, that specializes in Automotive SEO that provides Pay Per Click Management(PPC) & Content Marketing for its clients. Josh Torres, owner of Florida State Armory, shares his success with offering vacation incentives with every firearm purchase, which has led to over 700 activations and a 34% conversion rate. Overall, the episode provides valuable insights and strategies for entrepreneurs looking to grow their businesses through affiliate marketing.

Find out more about Adam Roseland and Josh Torres below:
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Benefits of Affiliate Marketing [00:08:31
Using Incentives for Lead Generation [00:14:34]
Focusing on Desires and Features [00:21:16]
Getting Clients to Sell the Dream [00:22:05]
Segmenting Clients for Better Sales [00:25:24]
Offering Incentives for Affiliate Marketing [00:26:12]
Using SEO to Build Affiliate Views [00:29:40]
Automating Video Content [00:31:30]
Using Marketing Boost Incentives at Trade Shows [00:35:22]
Building Organic Traffic [00:43:41]
Paid Traffic Strategy [00:46:10]
Marketing Boost Credibility [00:47:41]

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