Promotional Products | Corporate Gifts | Advertising Specialties | Promotional Gift Items | Branded Items
People Love Promotional Products
At work.At home.At the desk. On the table. Wherever people choose of office,their promotional products are right there with them.
Most-Loved Office Essentials.
How many people have at least one promotional product in their office ?
How many of them know the advertiser on the product ?
How many people have 2 to 11 or more promotional products in their office ?
how many of them know at least two of the advertisers?
Promotional products always work! Here are some cool facts:
70% recall getting at least 2 promo products in the past 12 months.88% recall the advertiser from a promo product received in the past 12 months. 71% recall advertisers from a newspaper or magazine read a week prior.