Home Advertising Boost What should I put in my Facebook ad?

What should I put in my Facebook ad?

by Digital Advertising Boost
What should I put in my Facebook ad?

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Knowing what to put in your Facebook ad can be the difference between lots of profit or lots of burned money.

I would say 3 of the most important things to think of when creating your ad would be.

1. What does your audience do/like?
-This will give you your targeting

2. What problems do your audiences have/ what do they want to hear?
-This will give you a topic for your ad.

3. What’s a desire or pain point you can help them with?
-This will make them click over to your website.

If you follow these 3 things you’ll be off to the races with your Facebook ads.

How to set up for very first Facebook/Instagram ad step-by-step –

If you are a filmmaker and want to run Facebook ads watch this –

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