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Popular Zoo Games such as Ark Nova, Barenpark, Everdell, New York City Zoo, Cascadia and Wingspan are all fantastic euro games that people love to play. Zoo Tycoon was a popular PC game that has now spawned many other games including Planet Zoo.
Rollercoaster Tycoon was one of my most favourite PC games to play growing up. Seeing a game that evokes that nostalgia of building a zoo, and puzzling over how to complete challenging game campaigns was what I enjoyed the most.
In this video we learn how to play the game and I take a preview look at a new board game called Zoo Tycoon, based off the original PC game. Come join me as we delve deep into animal conservation and running a successful theme park!
Note: A prototype copy of the game was provided for this review.
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Zoo Tycoon Kickstarter Page
Ark Nova Vs Terraforming Mars Video!
The Board Game Sanctuary is a family friendly board game channel that aims to introduce the board gaming hobby to new and seasoned players in a light, fun and humourous way.